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Akila Nissi


How Get Yourself Self-Motivated In These Depressing Times

Have you been experiencing recent depression? Are you having trouble motivating yourself? Here is a list of a few simple suggestions. By adhering to them, you'll strengthen your self-motivational muscles and begin to significantly alter your life. 

  • Look for and associate with people who are determined and motivated to improve their life and the lives of others. Their productivity and optimism will rob on you quickly.
  • Keep as far away from negative people as you can. Negative associates and friends (even family members) and your own inner Negative Ned or Nelly will drain energy, waste time, and try to drag you down into the land of negativity they love to hate. Pay attention to and then ignore your own negativity as well—that inner voice that keeps saying, "That figures" and "I knew that wasn't going to work out." Instead of thinking negatively, tell yourself things like, "Of course I'll make this transaction," or "I'll discover a terrific solution for my customer today."
  • Sell in a consultative manner. De-emphasize your commission and take joy in helping your customer make decisions instead, in other words. Having the client's best interests in mind will make you feel wonderful. Today, you gave someone a hand. That in itself is a prize.
  • Don't wake up believing that your magnificence will save the world—how did that go for you yesterday? Instead, make attainable objectives. When you do get to meet them, you can be pleased with your accomplishments rather than mope over not winning salesperson of the month and getting free tickets to the Monster Truck Blowout. As an illustration of a goal, consider the following: "I'm going to connect with X number of prospects today, and by eod I will have created at least five good contacts."
  • Be OK with setback Everyone, even the most self-starter-y of the self-starters, comes up against obstacles. The difference between the negative “world’s out to get me” person and the positive “I can do it” person is perspective—knowing that there are valuable lessons to be gained when deals don’t materialize.
  • It’s a cliché, but try to learn at least one new thing every day, not by accident, but by design. That is, dig deep and ask your peers in other departments at your company to teach you more about the products you sell. Show a genuine interest in the problems faced by your customers. Understand those problems. To tout a cliché, knowledge is power

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