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Akila Nissi


What are INFJ strengths

First of all, INFJ is a personality type, to know your personality type follow this link: https://www.16personalities.com

Their intelligence.

In person, INFJs can sometimes(not always!) stumble through their words and may have a hard time sorting through and wording their thoughts. So, people who don’t know them well will often assume they aren’t as intelligent as the truly are.

And on top of that, a lot of INFJs have been known to dumb themselves down. They don't do this by being being fake or actively showing feigned ignorance. They don’t show a low level of intelligence, instead they usually just don’t show what their level of intelligence is at all.

INFJs often find out from experience that they will have much better luck making that initial connection they long for if other people believe that they are superior to the INFJ in some way. In my own experiences, this has proven to be quite true.

Intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom are all very intimidating to other people. And INFJs typically abhor the idea of intimidating others. Intimidation directly prevents anyone from making any positive or sincere connection with another person. And for INFJs, the bonds they are able to form are what keeps their soul alive and well.

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