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Evgenii Avilov


The proof of the calculation and its manner is the same as the proof of the geometric axioms. So logical proof is simply a matter of applying the tool to a certain axiomatic. Further, you can already see how the resulting model explains reality and where it is best applied. If a model explains everything, even itself, then it falls into recursion and cannot be proved, so any paradigm has the right to exist only as a paradigm of a certain plane of being. Behaviorism suits me as the basis of interaction with the world.

However, as a paradigm, a different approach is obvious to me rather than it is traditional for him. For the reason described above, at the beginning of any science, logic, philosophy, axiomatics, and a model jump. Like the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The problem of people of modernism is that on the basis of their unwillingness to think with their own heads, they deny the abstract in themselves and themselves as a source of abstraction. Therefore, the world of naive materialists has no meaning except as a struggle with human subjectivity and, as a result, self-denial. It is not necessary to make an idol out of tradition, to believe in it, or trust it. It deserves nothing more than respect in everyday life, that is, conscious familiarization.

A goal is a theory that has many hallmarks of pseudoscience, but freedom should also be a type of comfort if there were no intersection like bread πŸ₯–

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