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Evgenii Avilov


The writing on the back is “I am not the Son of the God”

So I guess it's time for someone that I expected as an event that thought able to have an explanation. My Dear Friend Oleg Mavromati made the last post on 21/11/21 and he disappeared after. During the time that we know each other, we had a lot of interesting conversations. Mainly about metamodernism and the creation of the narrative. We were united in smth that we have seen contemporary art as a thing that is bigger than just a testing ground for philosophical ideas. We have a vision for it as the smth unexplainable and essential metaphysical reality that is able to change daily life and the way of history. The first time I met Oleg in my life was when I have seen his crucifixion between the church and the cultural center in an attempt to make the connection between art and religion to make them One. Of course, I have seen it on tv at that moment and I was really young but it deeply pricked my heart and sort of woke up smth in me. If you see other people that can see mysticism as a form of the cocreation to the One you know that you aren't the Only One that thinks this way. Among the threads of the possible variants of life really easy to lose your soul if you have a sense that you are alone in this world. It makes you doubt your own sanity to the core which makes you howl like a beast in the forest. Later in my life when I was around 25 we finally became friends with Oleg, even if we disagreed on a lot of topics, we agreed that beauty is everywhere beyond good and evil. The most important for an artist only is the way how to extract the light from the things that surround it. I remember once I and Oleg had a conversation about the movie. It was just some cinema about the artist that is waking up in the cryo chamber. Oleg was a bit upset and said like, why he didn't even ask about his art. Why he is asking during the movie bunch of stupid not relevant questions about the soul of the artist? The main character didn't want to see the new world and wanted to stay among the four walls. As well I remember That Oleg worked with tape a lot in his performances. He dressed it in the manner of tefillin and did certain rituals and after played the result that was left on the tape. It was really personal and mystical for him. I knew as well that he wanted to see the future and try the cryo chamber but I guess he had a certain question, and right now I understand it better. Will anyone be interested to wake him up? To see his head back talking again, hands moving, and what will be with his art. Green elephant is probably the most popular movie of Oleg right now prohibited in Russia. A lot of other not-really-good things happened with his best intentions. And I assume maybe he decided to disappear because he is wondering if anyone will notice. Will people want him back? Do they want to see him resurrected? Will they miss him? I think the answer is obvious. I do miss him. It's no magic just a slight move of the hand clicking the Keyes. I don't know how to resurrect people but I know how to be seductive I hope. Today is 22/12/22. If you will deduct the date of the disappearance from the first established date, this one will give the result of -10101. That is in decimal system 21. Seems like cutting the tape and gluing it together like a head after cryo camera. At least it's a far enough seductive sequence of numbers for the performance artist to get resurrected. I have a kind of sadness from all of this. I hope I am right and Oleg knows that the world wants him back to be alive and public. We have the show for life, so through the narrative to tell. I don't want to call the dates. It's dishonest, no one knows the exact date of the future event. But I am just trying to offer the narrative, I hope it's interesting enough.

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