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How To Keep Your Health Happy

Our pets show us unwavering affection. In exchange, it is our responsibility to maintain their wellbeing.

According to Sarah Reidenbach, DVM, a veterinarian in northern California and the head of the group Ruthless Kindness, food is medication for animals just as it is for humans. According to her, nutritional deficiencies in your dog or cat's food can manifest as hair loss, skin diseases, or a visible sluggishness.

How do you know which pet food is best for your beloved buddy when there are so many options available? There are wet, dry, chilled, home cooked, and grain-free options. Reidenbach admits, "It's utterly overwhelming." "Really, your guiding concept should be what works for your pet."

She advises you to examine the package to confirm that the manufacturer complies with Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) guidelines, which attests to the food's balanced nutrient content.

When your pet cries out for treats, don't give in to those sad puppy eyes; instead, follow the appropriate portion amount. Obese dogs and cats are susceptible to the same chronic conditions as obese people, such as diabetes and arthritis.

For your pet's physical well-being and mental stimulation, exercise is crucial. But unlike people, there are no standards for how much activity they should get. According to Reidenbach, different breeds have varied needs. When you play together, you can gauge how active your pet is. She continues, "There are breeds and personalities that clearly require more stimulation than strolling.

Try an agility course or bring your dog along when you go on a hike, skate, or swim if you have an energetic dog. Do a downward dog with your actual dog during a live or virtual yoga class to strengthen your friendship. Make sure your dog is sufficiently well-behaved to remain by your side throughout the entire class.

Although cats aren't the best walking partners, you may prevent them from becoming overly sedentary by including play in your daily routine. According to Reidenbach, "most cats appreciate toys that remind them of prey — things like dangling feathers or small cloth mice."

Try veterinary acupuncture if your pet's arthritis has caused it to slow down. Similar to its human equivalent, this method stimulates several pressure spots on the animal's body using extremely fine needles. According to research, acupuncture helps dogs and cats move more freely and reduce pain. Additionally, some pets find it soothing.

The most crucial thing you can do for your pet is to take them to the veterinarian roughly once a year so they may receive all of their necessary vaccines. Bring up anything that seems off throughout those appointments. Anything that feels strange to you, according to Reidenbach, includes coughing, vomiting, losing weight, using the bathroom at home more frequently than usual.

4 Tips

Reidenbach offers helpful tips on how to maintain your pet's health.

1. Keep human foods to a minimum. A surplus of table scraps can result in weight gain. Be particularly cautious while handling human goods like chocolate, grapes, raisins, garlic, and macadamia nuts because they are poisonous to animals.

2. Limit your supplement intake. The majority of animal studies are lacking. Before giving your pet any supplements, see your veterinarian.

3. Consult a behaviorist. Veterinarian behaviorists can offer assistance with problems like aggression, separation anxiety, or excessive fear.

4. Pay attention to signals from your pet. Allow your pet to communicate their happiness to you, whether it's a belly rub or more room.

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