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Hawker007published in Red Flags


3 Red Flags You Can Spot on A First Date

When you are dating someone new, it can take a while for certain deal breakers — like an inability to help with chores or bad financial habits — to become apparent.

1. They**'re very late.**

If someone is more than a few minutes late, you deserve an explanation. Issues with traffic or public transportation are inevitable for most people, so tardiness isn't always a red flag.

But if your date is more than a few minutes late and doesn't seem to care that you've been waiting for a lengthy period consider that a first strike.

"I am a little bit of a stickler for time," Sassoon said. "I don't mean five minutes, but if someone is running 15 minutes late, I definitely expect a call or a text. If someone doesn't do that, it's a red flag in the sense that there's a lack of respect for the other person's time."

2. They expect too much too soon.

If your date makes you feel uncomfortable, you probably don't want to get into a relationship with them.

"When you're on a first date with someone, and the conversation turns to sex really quickly, stay away," Sassoon told INSIDER.

There are obvious exceptions to this, like if you are there specifically to hook up and have communicated that with your date ahead of time.

But if your date immediately begins making lewd sexual remarks or getting more touchy-feely than you'd like during a casual outing, that's a sign they may not be respectful of your boundaries — both now and in the future.

To deal with this, let your date know you aren't comfortable discussing sex quite yet. If they don't back off, you are well within your rights to end the date early.

3. They're toopushy.

If your date makes you feel uncomfortable, trust your instincts. The CW

Your date may try to convince you that they deserve to be invited back to your place because they bought you a drink or spent some time with you.

"If they're insisting on inviting you to their place, or pushing to go over to yours, that's a bad sign," Sassoon said. "They don't need to know where you live right now."

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