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What does your interest/relationship to CT look like if you're not in academia?

The majority of those interested in CT work in academia, in domains that are directly related to theory (philosophy, sociology, etc.). I'm intrigued as to how those of us who don't have this connection to CT keep a relationship with it and an interest in it.

I'll take the lead. I'm a Spanish Education major who first learned about Marxism and then learned about critical theory. Capital and Interpretation of Dreams are two books I'm now reading. I'm going to start with Marxism and psychoanalysis, based on a reading list I found on this sub. I normally watch lectures on YouTube, listen to podcasts at work (delivery driver), or watch a couple video essay channels when I'm not reading. My interest in theory stems from a hazy desire to comprehend the world (not really unusual, lol), and it has made me a much more compassionate person as a result.

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