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Which of these unpopular opinions do you think is trash!

I googled unpopular opinions and this list came out! Although I agree with some of them, there are some i totally disagree with. Which of them do you think are trash??

  1. Strawberries get more credit than they deserve.
  2. Meat is overrated.
  3. Chocolate ice cream is absolutely disgusting.
  4. PDA isn’t that weird. It’s actually sweet.
  5. Putting a period at the end of a text makes it seem more aggressive.
  6. Buying stylish clothes for babies is a waste of money.
  7. If you’re a morning person, you’re more productive.
  8. Making the bed is a pointless chore.
  9. Rainy days are more enjoyable than sunny days.
  10. Staying friends with your exes is fine and healthy.
  11. Travelling is a waste of money.

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