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Dai Time
Dai Timepublished in Socialism


Why can't we have M4A because of Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter?

The elite liberal resistance to Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter demonstrates that the risk aversion that has paralysed American politics isn't only a conservative problem. We've heard for years that Twitter is the worst thing ever and that everyone despises it. Those same voices are suddenly afraid of Elon Musk's plans for their favourite shit-stir site. I don't blame them; change can be frightening.

But what does it say about something that genuinely matters - like health insurance - if Twitter, and just Twitter, is simultaneously the worst thing ever too precious to risk changing?

Many liberals are bemoaning the loss of a status quo they claim to despise because they don't trust the man who is trying to fix the flawed system. I understand, however my resist-lib was created for the same reason. Mom isn't going to trust Bernie Sanders to improve healthcare, which is similar to why her neo-con brother didn't trust Obama to do it. The system is the worst thing that has ever happened to you, but people you don't like are even worse. That means you won't be able to change anything since half of the country despises you.

I'm a liberal who couldn't care less about Musk and Twitter, but I do know that conservative opposition to it is the same sclerosis that prevents me from getting any of the nice liberal welfare nonsense I want.

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