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Feyintiola Gayet


...your body is THE perfect body!

What do you see or feel when you look in the mirror?

Do you see imperfections, or perfections? Do you feel ashamed? Do you feel embarrassed? Do you feel loved? Do you feel strong or weak? Do you see beauty?


Have you ever wished you could change one or two things about your body? Well if I’m being honest, we’ve all been there! We’ve all had that moment where we’d give anything to crawl out of our skin and jump into another, just because we think that body is the perfect body!

Well the truth is, even that ‘perfect’ body has something he/she wishes they could change. But the only difference is, they love their body and they would give the world to remain in that body.


If you keep waiting to love your body after you’ve made certain changes, it will lead to you running after unrealistic goals for your body! Changing your body is never the problem, not loving your body as it is at the moment is the real problem. You have to first accept that your body will always be beautiful no matter the size, shape, or color.

“Body image is the way we view ourselves physically — the way we internally and externally talk about ourselves based on how we look, the reflection we see in the mirror…” Jessica Cortez, RD


Yes, there is a body positivity movement — which is about loving your body and having a positive outlook no matter your shape or size — is related to body image. Body positivity means having a healthy body image regardless of what you look like. So love that beautiful body or yours first and appreciate it, because it has done so much for you.

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