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Christmas Isn’t the Best Holiday

The holidays are often touted as the most wonderful time of the year... but are they really?

Before getting defensive and calling us grinches, hear us out — Christmas simply isn't always what it's cracked up to be.

From an empty bank account to fraught family dynamics, Christmas can quickly go from the best time of year to the worst. Here are some reasons why Christmas isn't all that jolly.

Travel is insane.

Not only are flights super expensive around Christmas, but airports are also jam-packed, lines are insane, and flights are frequently delayed. Driving isn't much better as highways become clogged.

Mall parking is mayhem.

From Black Friday onward, don't expect to find a parking spot at the mall. It is mayhem.

Electricity bills skyrocket.

That's a lot of energy consumption. Philipp Alexander/Flickr Sure, Christmas lights are pretty, but your electric bill won't be.

Christmas movies are the worst.

Aside from maybe "It's a Wonderful Life" and "Miracle on 34th Street," Christmas movies are not good. Don't even get us started on all the plot holes and sexism in Christmas classic "Love Actually."

It's breakup season.

Two weeks before Christmas is peak breakup time. Maybe they don't want you to meet their family, maybe they don't want to have to buy you a gift, or maybe the stresses surrounding the holiday just got to be too much. Regardless of the reason, prepare yourself for potential heartbreak.

Your bank account will be drained.

Between buying presents, plane tickets, decorations, food, and more, your bank account will be drained by the New Year.

Family dynamics can be fraught.

The holidays pressure you into seeing family — even relatives you'd rather not see. Sometimes cutting ties with family members can be healthy.

Family dynamics with your SO's relatives can be even harder.

Spending a lot of time with your partner's family can be even tougher, especially over a longer period and in close quarters.

Buying presents is stressful.

Finding the perfect gift is so much pressure. And just when you think you found it... it turns out that Aunt Susan got the same thing.

Holiday depression is a thing.

Christmas is often associated with an image of love, peace, and happiness, so it can feel gut-wrenching when you don't feel any of those emotions on the inside, which is why many people get depressed around the holidays. Between family conflicts, financial woes, holiday breakups, and high expectations, Christmas isn't always a happy time for everyone.

While the holidays may pressure you into putting on a facade of happiness, remember that it's ok to feel sad.

Christmas music gets old fast.

The first time you hear "All I want for Christmas is you" is nice and nostalgic. By the 100th time you're over it.

You must pretend to like presents you actually hate.

Nothing is worse than having to pretend you love the socks your aunt gave you for the fifth Christmas in a row.

It's exhausting.

Everything about Christmas is exhausting. Traveling to see family, shopping, cooking, baking, decorating, small talk, holiday party after holiday party... It can really take a toll on people.

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